ARE YOU IN THE WRONG ZONE ? As you gather the courage to confess your feelings to your crush, they will either accept it or reject it. But in worst case scenario, you will be zoned. This zone is very dangerous and you should be cautious not to fall into it. It will become extremely difficult to leave that zone. Girls, by and large, place boys into 2 zones: Bro-zone : in this case, girls consider this boy as a brother. They get the protective feeling and faith that they get from their own brother. You may be a friend already without having crush on the girl. You are someone the girl will look forward to when in need. She obviously has a lot of trust on you. Conversely, if you have crush on her and she places you in this zone, this will directly imply that there cannot be any chance of romantic inclination. There is no possibility of going for a date, forget having a relationship in future. Friend-zone : A boy enters this zone when they have feelings for the girl bu...