We are familiar with three broad categories of human personality:

1)      Introverts

2)      Extraverts/ extroverts

3)      Ambiverts

Extraverts and introverts are two extreme ends of the scale.  Placing yourself towards the ends is complicated. Most of us can be positioned at the center of the range facing either side. Ambiverts are considered to be at the middle of the scale. A majority of us can be categorized as ambiverts presenting either extroverted or introverted behavior, in diverse situations.

Let us identify with general behavior of each type of personality:

1)      Introverted qualities:

·         Prefer a selected group of friends.

·         Don’t favor group activities.

·         Save time and energy to invest in developing their expertise.

·         Are people of few words

·         Have internal thoughts, and recognize their feelings very well.

·         Are not pessimistic. For example. They do not question themselves whether people are fond of them or not.

·         Take time in reaching a conclusion, therefore are good decision makers.

·         Are intensely focused and have unambiguous interests

·         Don’t like to ask for assistance

·         Trustworthy

·         Analytical and calculative

·         Are exceptionally good listeners and observers

·         Prefer meaningful and  engaging discussions rather than shallow talks

·         Enjoy solitude and feel worn out in the company of lots of people.

·         Prefer being in their own world of thoughts and ideas, which makes them visionary and imaginative.


2)      Extraverted characteristics:

·         Enjoy company of people and are extremely social

·         Prefer a big group of friends/acquaintances

·         Think louder

·         Quick decision makers. “Act first think later” be their axiom.

·         Have numerous interests

·         Unable to spend time alone

·         Easily approachable

·         Energetic and constantly keep themselves occupied

·         Expressive

·         Not afraid to move out of their comfort zone

·         Like to stay connected

·         Prefer speaking their mind and heart without any filter

·         Flexible and spontaneous

·         More outgoing and not shy to initiate conversations with anyone

·         Prefer to talk, ask questions and solve problems

·         Comfortable in team works

3)      Ambiverted behavior

·         They get pleasure from the company of people but for a short duration.

·         They enjoy lone time but not for long.

·         They contain introverted and extroverted tendency equally.

·         They act according to the person they are conversing with.

·         Their flexibility allows them to transform from introversion to extroversion depending on the situation.

 The person who shows different characteristics in different circumstances will most commonly fall in either of the following two categories:

1)      An introverted extravert: This refers to the people who usually demonstrate signs of extroversion but in certain situations they reflect few qualities of introversion.


Certain examples can be: an extrovert prefers chatting to particular people, does not share their private life, may take time to arrive at a conclusion, may not opt for group activities, may be unable to adjust to alteration in the plan, may not have various interests but may do extremely well in one talent.

The person who has a larger proportion of extraverted quality and lesser percentage of introverted character are categorized as introverted extroverts.


2)      An extroverted introvert: This refers to people who, by and large, are introverted, although exemplify conduct of extroversion in certain circumstances.


For example, an introvert may spend a good time with their friends, can have a good sense of humor, may talk about a variety of topics in a group without mingling with anybody, may initiate conversation at a gathering, and may have numerous interests, and occasionally be okay with group activity.

The person who has a larger proportion of introverted quality and lesser percentage of extroversion are categorized as extroverted introverts.



You must try the assessment about your personality created by Daniel H. Pink. The link is given below. By doing this, you will have a clear idea about your qualities.


You may also try various personality tests. The links are posted below.




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