
Showing posts from March, 2021


 Everyone has ups and downs in life. Sometimes things don’t happen as planned or expected. But it is very important to accept them and move on. It is better to face the reality and get prepared for the alternative path designed for you. Let us go through such scenarios and find out best ways to deal with them. FACING REFUTATION/DISAPPOINTMENT A rejection or failure can happen in several situations. It could be an examination, a professional interview or a business offer. It means you were found incompetent or under-qualified in that specific arena. We are not discussing a denial in romantic proposals here. (It has already been discussed in negative scenarios in case of crush) In what ways you can act on it: 1)       Don’t contemplate yourself as a loser and become depressed. 2)       Discover the area where you lacked and start working on them. 3)       Conversation with successful people will ...


 As you begin a period of mindful dating, you must also consider the deal breakers in a relationship. Having so will help you understand your status better and also help you know whether you are with the right person or not. Certain points should be clear in couples so that scope of misunderstanding reduces. Deal breakers should not be those characteristics which can be ignored or can be worked upon if the partner wants. These should be the ones which are habitual and changing them can be really difficult or impossible. Or issues those are in opposition to your values and principles. Bad breath, unkempt hair, poor hygiene, poor choice of clothes and shoes, different food choices, etc may not be considered deal breakers   as these are not the character of the person. These can be changed and scope of improvement exists. The actual deal breakers are where the partners feels they have had enough and not viable to go on like this. And the character of the other individual ca...


 If you have a romantic crush and you have been giving and receiving subtle hints, it may be time to move a step ahead. The next step will be to shift from the crush stage to a dating period. A dating period is a phase prior to a relationship. Dating can be divided into two categories: 1)       Dating : which means one is dating a lot of people on a regular basis as does not have any particular person yet. Dating a variety of people generally means looking out for that someone whom you would like to date for a second time and go ahead further.   2)       Dating someone : means an individual is dating somebody specific, looking for a connection. It’s a time to understand each other and decide whether you are like-minded enough to start a relationship. Throughout this phase, you ought to spend a lot of time together in anticipation to hit upon a committed relationship.   During this state of affairs, you are not comm...


 People around you observe your persona at first. You can make or break the primary impression on others by right conduct and pleasing qualities.  It is not the beauty which attracts people. Your body language, kindness, behavior, positivism and knowledge may add value to your guise. Let us talk on the subject of various attributes of individuality and how to upgrade: SELF LOVE If you love yourself, it shows. People shall care for you for who you are. Self love means adoring yourself, putting your wishes and requirements foremost, taking care of your health and thinking of your benefit. It means there should be no place for negativity, ego, cynicism, jealousy, hatred and lack of ambition in your life. You can spread happiness only from the vessel which contains it. However it does not mean only thinking of you. Self love does not validate being self-centered. Steps to self love : ·          Create restrictions towards virtu...