Staying positive and motivated during covid wave 2
We all are sailing in a boat which is not so new for all for us. The lock down of 2021 is a lot more different than that of 2020. Earlier it was more of a vacation and everyone enjoyed time with family away from all the hustle. All got time to rejuvenate and recharge themselves. The value of family time, health and slowing down sometimes was learnt. But the second phase is taking a toll on us. Too much time spent at home is leading to new problems in all of us. More and more people are getting infected and we have lost a large number of people. Many families are shattered and it’s all gloomy around us. Adding to it, no social activity, missing the fast-paced life, no chill out time with friends, missing the fun of school and college life. people have lost the charm of learning new things online and cooking new recipes. It is of utmost importance to stay positive and motivated during the second wave, and prepare our self for the predicted third wave. Though the youth today is ...