Mahabharata and you- The conclusion

We discussed about 7 personalities in the previous article on Mahabharata. Lets continue our discussion on more characters and their relevance in today's times. Karna He first born of Kunti was adopted by a “chariot driver” after she abandoned him. The son of Sun God himself but struggled his whole life to earn status. A person who needed to go against the rules formed by the society. Immensely talented but the company of wrong people ruined it all for him. His gift was misused, his reputation was spoiled and life lost. The society always forms rules for everyone. But some people go against and make a name for themselves. It’s imperative to stay away from evil company in journey of quick success. Vidur : The advisor in the court who was conscious of all rights and wrongs, but could not express entirely because of his service and restricted rights. He had to keep silent even after witnessing the wrong doings...