Colors and its impact on us - part 2


We have discussed about seven colors in part-1. Let us continue to learn more about psychological impact of colors on our daily life.


Second most widely visible in nature after blue, green is the color of growth and harmony.

It is the color of youth, prosperity, progress and health. This color has calming effect and hence it is advised to look at green early in the morning and also during breaks from your gadgets to relax your eyes. It Is suggested to use green on your desktop and laptops as screen savers and wallpaper.

Having green around you increase focus and concentration. That is why, artists spend time in the green room before their performance.

It is the color of abundance and wealth. It adds stability and efficiency

Although green is also associated with negative emotions such as envy, greed and sickness.

Brands: WhatsApp, Starbucks, Tropicana, sprite, Heinz, Spotify, Android, Land Rover, Dollar Tree.


A combination of opposites, black and white, this color is the perfect example of maturity, dependability and protection.

This color signifies conservative and conventional thinking. This non-attractive color reflects boring and unemotional personality. It conveys depression and gloom.

Though considered professional and formal color, it must be worn with another color to offset the negative effect.

For designing purposes, it considered a better alternative to white or black in backgrounds.

 Brands: Samsung, Volvo, Nestle, Nissan, 


Color of elegance and sophistication, it clearly voices that the person is unapproachable. It symbolizes power, authority and luxury.

The famous “LBD” for women is an essential as it depicts elegance, along with enhancing confidence. More loved for its slimming quality. It can be intimidating if used in excess

The color of mourning in various countries.

Must be used in contrast with other colors to provide specific meaning. Using with white makes it dramatic and crisp, with golden marks luxury, with lighter tones makes simple statement while a bold with glossy ones.

Like most other colors, this too has negative impact of pessimism and lack of hope. Associated with mystery, evil and darkness.

 brands: Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Apple, Louis Vuitton, BMW.


The Earth color represents stability and reliability. The person wearing brown offers vibes of friendship and dependability. The warm and practical color sometimes messages to being old fashioned.

Anything that comes in brown packaging gives confidence of being organic, natural and secure.

Brands: Bubble Tea, Hershey, MnM, magnum, chocolate factory


A combination of brown and white, this color depicts the dependability and warmth of brown and calmness of white. This plain color can be soothing for some and dull for others.

Mostly used in offices interior, as it is symbolic of the working world. It has relaxing effect on the mood of workers. Those who have beige as their favorite color, prefer relaxed environments and comfort.

Brands: John’s bakery, Rouge River Luxury homes.

Tips to use colors in daily life:

1)   Wear darker shades- black, brown, navy blue, wine at a speech or where you want people to listen to you. It reflects maturity, authority, seriousness.

2)   Lighter shades mean youthful energy, kindness and delicacy. Center of attraction, wear light blue for intelligence and wisdom

3)   Wear most flattering color near your face. Accessories, scarf, tops etc. enhance your face

4)   Colors manipulate attention. Wear bright color where you want attention. E.g. shoes, lipstick, waist, face

5)   For online platform, wear color contrast of background. Wear bright makeup, lipstick. Wear red, black against light wall wear yellow beige, white against dark walls.

6)   If feeling angry or irritated, wear lighter tones.

7)   When feeling sad, avoid blue and wear yellow or orange.

8)   Two colors known to boost memory are mauve and Lemon yellow. (secret language of colors by Inna Segal)

 Hoping that you will apply this information in your life and change the perspective of people about you along with control on your mood and behavior. 



  1. I love color psychology and have been dabbling into it more recently.


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